Jumpers and St Catherine's Hill Community Information

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Dear Residents

A special General Meeting of Jumpers and St Catherine's Hill Residents Association members was held on August 3rd, 2023. The minutes of the meeting can be found on the website but essentially, in the absence of a quorate committee being elected for the future of the association it was voted to dissolve the association.
I am happy to report that Eileen Lancaster and I (with the support of persons who wish to contribute info pertinent to Christchurch), will continue to provide a monthly "Community newsletter" for as long as funds and resources allow.

Should any of our newsletter subscribers have any items or information they wish to be considered for inclusion, please contact us via the newsletter email address. We're grateful to our ward councillors Margaret Phipps and Vanessa Ricketts, who have agreed to continue their support to keeping us informed. The residents association website will continue to be "live" and updated as a signposting resource only.

To date, the past and current outgoing committees have worked on behalf of the members to the best of their ability and knowledge. The work of the association and its members will be recognised through the provision of a bench on St Catherine's Hill Nature reserve. However sad and disappointing it may feel that the members have reached the decision to dissolve the resident's association, the committee are grateful for the past financial support of its members, that will enable us to continue to provide the community newsletter. Your details will not be shared with anyone else and will continue to be for the sole use of receiving the "Community Newsletter" from us. Could I also ask that if you are aware of any neighbour or friends within Jumpers and St Catherine's Hill Ward that have an email address, it may be that they aren't subscribed to our email newsletter. They will no longer get a paper newsletter so it may be helpful for them to subscribe

Best Wishes
Sue Fotheringham

The donations made to the charitable concerns following the vote at the association's SGM on the 3rd August 2023 were:

  • 06/12/2023  £1000       Highcliffe Dementia Support Group  
  • 14/12/2023  £1500       3rd Brownies Christchurch Pack    
  • 14/12/2023  £2776.89  Macmillan Caring Locally    
  • 17/04/2024  £1000       Age Concern Christchurch    
  • 17/04/2024  £500         Christchurch Connect    

The photos show
  • Sally Palmer Co-Ordinator of the Highcliffe Dementia Support Group being presented with the cheque at the Amberwood Christmas lunch. See the January newsletter for more details.
  • 3rd Christchurch Brownies leader Annette Bowden received the cheque at their St Catherine's Hall meeting. See the December 2023 newsletter for more details.
  • Macmillan Caring Locally Trust Secretary, Neal Williams, received the cheque at a Coffee Morning at St Catherine's Hall. See the December 2023 newsletter for more details.
  • Mary Osaer general manager of Age Concern Christchurch received the cheque at a Coffee Morning at St Catherine's Hall
  • Kevin Bales manager of Christchurch Connect received the cheque at the volunteer run allotment at Christchurch Fire station
  • Community Matters Newsletter

    These Newsletters inform residents of any important issues, or events, by an e-mail directly to your inbox. There is no cost for this service and the sole intention is to inform you of any important updates. If you would like to be included in this service please follow the Newsletters link on the left.

    Thank you to Ivor Goddard, Mrs E A Weaver, Pauline Griggs and John Spittle for their photographs used in this website.

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