Jumpers and St Catherine's Hill Community Information

Domestic Trees 

Trees on Private property covered by a TPO

Tree work in Hurn road

The tree works have been programmed for the week beginning 14th July

The tree works are to be started at 19:00 and finished at 00:00 every evening from Monday to Friday for one week, the start date for these tree works is the 14 July 2014, it is hoped that we will be able to make use of what light is remaining during the evenings.

To speed up the works and to reduce the disruption to the residents the contractors are going to start works at 15:00 each day and try to do as much from the service road side as possible.

Notices given to the residents who may be effected on 2nd July

Schedule of works

WCRA commentary on the above

tree work

CBC Policy Covering the Maintenance of Trees

Letter to CBC 29th August 2012

CBC Reply 8th November 2012 - Appendices

Notes from the meeting with CBC - 12th February 2013