We are run by a committee of volunteers and a team of helpers who give their time free of charge in an effort to protect the environment that we all enjoy whilst living in this beautiful area
If you can't see our logo above and at the end of the newsletter, make sure you have clicked the link to download pictures
Special General Meeting
BCP Council Update
Christchurch Town Council Update
Christchurch Neighbourhood Plan
Christchurch Countryside Volunteers
Cost of living help
Alzheimer's Society - Memory Café
Links and Contacts
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression.
This right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
If you want to read the newsletter as a Word document, click here
Special General Meeting
Dear resident
Your residents' association will be holding a Special General Meeting for subscribed members on Aug 3rd, 2023, 7pm The Hall on The Hill, Marlow Drive. Several issues will be discussed and attending members will be asked to vote on the future of The Association. If you are in contact with a neighbour who is a member but not receiving the email newsletter, please share this information with them. The current committee will be standing down and will ask the attending members to vote on the following items:
- Dissolution of the association
- Continue monthly email newsletters and hold a password protected email database for this purpose only.
- Close and transfer JSCHRA HSBC collections account balance to JSCHRA Nat West current account
- Close and transfer JSCHRA HSBC current account and transfer the balance to JSCHRA Nat West current account.
- Close and transfer JSCHRA Teachers account to JSCHRA Nat West current account
- Retain £1500 in JSCHRA Nat West account as a retention and spending fund for running down costs.
- Discretionary amount for the committee to allocate to local charities and good causes. The clarification of expenditure will be itemized on the monthly accounts.
Charites and good causes
- Memorial bench on St Catherine’s Hill in recognition of all JSCHRA committees and members, in particular reference to Jim Biggin’s work on behalf of the association prior to his passing
- 3rd Christchurch Brownies
- The McMillan Unit, Fairmile Rd, Christchurch
- Alzheimer’s Society Memory Café, Purewell, Christchurch
- Other causes if identified by members.
Many thanks from JSCHRA committee
Sue Fotheringham
Chairperson JSCHRA
As a Resident's Association we would like to keep you informed by the councillors who are acting on behalf of their residents' ward. We don't wish this to be viewed as supporting any political party but merely to support those who support you. Our Newsletter will include information about individuals and their goals to support JSCH.
Sue Fotheringham (Chairperson)
Since the June newsletter The Three Towns Alliance administration continues to try to get to grips with the current situation and especially the challenging financial position where a “black hole” of £44m has been identified. At the first meeting of the Council in May, Christchurch Cllr. Lesley Dedman was elected as Chairman of the Council and Members from each Group were allocated to Committees.
BCP Committees
Margaret is on Audit and Governance Committee and Vanessa on Standards Committee. Audit and Governance met on 27 th July, and Standards Committee has had their first meeting when Vanessa was elected as Chairman. Margaret has been appointed as Cabinet Support member for Strategic Planning and Local Plan Delivery. This is not a Cabinet role, but she is taking on responsibility for ensuring that the new BCP Local Plan is brought forward for draft publication and further comment by residents, in a timely manner, before being put before a Government Inspector for examination early next year. BCP will be engaging with residents in the autumn about policies in the draft plan and we will keep you updated on that.
Corner of Hillside Drive and Hurn Road – Application 8/23/0286/ADV - Erection of a digital advertisement
You may be aware that an application was submitted for an illuminated sign on land to the East of Hurn Road/Corner of Hillside Drive. The proposed size of the sign was 7m in width, 5.5m in height and 0.3m in depth. We are pleased to tell you that this application has been refused. The refusal states that the sign would have “a substantial detrimental impact on the amenity of the site which is characterised by its open, undeveloped nature.”
Bournemouth Town Centre
The revitalisation and rejuvenation of Bournemouth town centre is a top priority for the new Three Towns Alliance administration. Key to making that happen is what residents think and want. The Council has launched a new survey of residents asking them what they would like to see and do in in the town centre and what would make them come into town more often and stay longer. This is the link to the survey which closes on 4 th August. https://haveyoursay.bcpcouncil.gov.uk/btc
We hope our updates are useful and we are both here to assist you, and will continue working hard for the Commons area, both in the ward and at the council.
Cllr. Margaret Phipps – margaret.phipps@bcpcouncil.gov.uk
Tel: 01202 478266
Cllr. Vanessa Ricketts – vanessa.ricketts@bcpcouncil.gov.uk
Tel: 07760 391467

Achievements in 2022/23
Christchurch Town Council operates some main committees, some of which have short term working groups operating as required.
The Planning committee meets bi-weekly and discusses any plans, which have been submitted to BCP, which seem to require further examination. Either because a councillor feels this is necessary, or because one or more residents have asked us to. The Town Council is a statutory consultee of BCP’s planning department, which means they have to ask for our opinion, but they do not have to always agree with us.
Neighbourhood Planning Working group
Neighbourhood Plans are put together with a mix of councillors and residents who have a particular interest in this. A second newsletter will be issued very shortly to show progress and how far we have gone.
Community Committee
The community committee is responsible for all matters connected to the allotments, maintenance of land owned by CTC (the Quomps, Mudeford Rec, Druitt Gardens) and the maintenance of our own heritage assets (eg the Old Town Hall).
During 2022/3 there have been three working groups formed:
Jubilee celebrations working group.
The Town Council organised the big Beacon Lighting event on Mudeford Quay for the Jubilee, which attracted around 4000 people. They also installed three Jubilee benches, at the Quomps, in Mudeford Rec and in Druitt Gardens.
Christmas Lights working group
2022 was the first year CTC were allowed to take back control of the Christmas Lights in the town. We had a small subsidy from BCP but funded the rest ourselves and were very happy with the end result, which was much more appropriate for Christchurch and enjoyed by all.
Coronation Working Group
A small working group organised the town council’s coronation activities, including bunting, a large screen on the Quomps to show the event, a stage and live entertainment, food stalls and some local primary schools doing maypole dancing, with maypoles donated by CTC to the schools to celebrate the Coronation.
Ownership of land
In 2019 BCP took over many of the open spaces previously owned by CBC, while the town council was established, with the intention of returning them to CTC in short order. This did not happen, so CTC have been negotiating to have some returned. We are now taking back ownership of the Barrack Road recreation ground and the two skateparks. It was felt impractical to take on all the rest as it would involve maintenance costs which CTC could not currently fund. But for Barrack Road, it was felt we could add significant value for the community here.
In addition, in May this year, the Town Council chose to purchase 1500 geranium plants and plant up the three large beds on Barrack Road, with the help of a large number of volunteers, which are now looking amazing.
Priorities for 2023/4
Barrack Road Recreation Ground
The Town Council would like to plan to build a new pavilion here to support sporting activities on the field. Not necessarily in the same place as the old one, but also to consider adding somewhere for our young people to meet (a youth club?) to help combat anti-social behaviour, and possibly a MUGA (Multi Use Games Area).
Early in the year we will be consulting on this to get residents opinions and further suggestions of what should be included.
Town Council Offices
Currently the only office the town Council has is upstairs in the Mayor’s Parlour at the Old Town Hall. This is not disabled-friendly and not big enough for council meetings with residents attending. So, we have been renting a room in the Library, but this is also not ideal and also not very disabled-friendly. It also appears that we will not be able to use any of the old Civic Offices. So during this year, we will be actively looking for space we can use which will fit all the criteria required.
Old Town Hall Maintenance
The old Town hall is in need of significant repair. The roof is leaking and has ruined much of the decoration and the stair carpets have been significantly damaged by the water ingress. As it is a listed building, we have to do all we can to keep it in good condition.
A project to repair the roof and maintain the building will progress during this summer and autumn 2023. This has been anticipated for some years, and so the funds have been put into reserves to allow this to be done.
Plaques and signage
Now that the blue plaques have been restored, we would like to bring back to good repair the large blue metal Christchurch (twinned with) signs at the entrance to the town, to restore a sense of Civic Pride. We will be investigating this further to get the permissions from BCP Highways team as they are sited on their land.
V. Charrett
Town Mayor
Update about the Neighbourhood Plan
Click on the image to read the second edition of the Newsletter.
Christchurch Countryside Volunteers
Christchurch Countryside Volunteers are a group who regularly do practical conservation work on St Catherine’s Hill, as well as other nature reserves and greenspaces in the area. We operate a weekly Tuesday volunteer work party sessions between 10am and approximately 3:30pm, with the location changing each week. The group are very friendly and welcoming and the work is suited to mixed abilities. There is always a job for everyone from litter picking to cutting back and creating new habitat for wildlife. The option is there to come along for as long or as little as you wish . Refreshments are provided and all appropriate tools and PPE.
If you would like to come along, please contact countryside@bcpcouncil.gov.uk for further details, to join our mailing list to be notified of the programmed sessions.
Thank you,
Cost of living help
As the cost of living increases it is important to be aware of the benefits, payments and support options available to you. There are local and national schemes that can help you with rent, food, energy and more.
These pages will be updated as more information and resources become available.
Find out more from BCP website
Citizen's Advice BCP also has support and advice available. Their Community Advice Vehicle will be visiting various locations in the BCP area in the coming months.
Memory Café Christchurch
St Josephs Parish Centre, 67 Purewell,
BH23 1EH, Christchurch
Who's it for?
People with Dementia and their carers, family and friends
When is it available?
Second Wednesday of every month, 3–4.30pm
Please contact the service provider for more information.
Our informal activity groups give you or someone you know, who is affected by dementia, the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities. The groups focus on socialising and getting to know others who may be sharing similar experiences as you.
Singing for the Brain - Christchurch
Join our singing group where you can meet new people in a friendly, fun and social environment. Singing can improve your brain activity, wellbeing and mood. You don’t need to be a good singer to benefit. Join us for fun vocal warm-ups and sing a wide variety of familiar and new songs in a supported environment. The group is hosted by our skilled, compassionate and experienced group leaders.

Links and Contact Details
Planning Applications
You can find the Planning Applications and Decisions for the Christchurch area of BCP on our website which will be updated weekly.
Appeals can be viewed on the Appeals Casework Portal
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Community Matters is produced and edited by a team of local residents who try to present you with the facts that will both keep you informed and enable you to make up your own mind on local issues
Jumpers and St Catherine's Hill RA