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Your Community Matters Newsletter

March 2024

Community Matters is produced and edited by a team of local residents who try to present you with the facts that will both keep you informed and enable you to make up your own mind on local issues



BCP Council Update
Roadworks - view them in your area
CTC news and events
Friends of Druitt Gardens
Friends of St Catherine's hill
Bournemouth airport
Christchurch u3a
Rotary Wishing Well Walk
St Catherine's Hill WI
Our finances




Consultation of the draft BCP Local Plan
20th March to 3rd May 2024
We have informed you in the past that Margaret is the Lead member for delivery of a new Local Plan for Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole. The new merged Council has a requirement in law to have a new Local Plan within 5 years of its inception. It has been a long and difficult road to get to this point of final consultation, after which all comments and representations received will be sent to a Government Planning Inspector. This new Plan will replace the three legacy Plans from each of the towns into one single Plan.
In early 2022 the Council held a big consultation on Issues and Options for a new Plan.  Responses included the concern that we were heading towards becoming a City.  It was clear that residents feel affiliation to the character of the area where they live.  When the new administration was elected in May 2023, it called itself The Three Towns Alliance, recognising the differences between our three areas. This new draft Plan aims to reflect the three distinct areas within BCP and the individual communities within them, by including individual Policies for each Ward.  As Commons Ward Cllrs. we have had the opportunity to input and shape the specific policies for our Ward, as have other Cllrs. for their Wards.
Strategically the new draft Plan sets out a strategy until 2039.  Over that 15 year period, across BCP, it allocates sites for 24,000 new homes and 72 hectares of employment land, with detailed planning policies to guide decision making.  It also includes the 33 individual Ward Policies which note the sites allocated for housing and employment.
The new draft Local Plan is published, together with all the documents which make up the Evidence Base, on line at:
Hard copies are available in Christchurch Library, and other main Libraries, with the Evidence Base available to view on the Library computers.  If you need assistance at the Library, then do ask.
Getting to this point is a huge achievement.  All of our three legacy Plans are out of date, therefore currently all planning applications across BCP are determined in favour of sustainable development.  Without a new Plan the Council will lose control of planning for the area.  We really do need this new Local Plan to put us firmly back in control with regards to the location and amount of development we approve.  We hope you will take the opportunity to look at it and comment during the consultation period.
Following the close of the consultation (3rd May) all comments will be collated and sent to the appointed Planning Inspector who will formally conduct a Public Examination.  This can take many months, after which he is likely to suggest some changes to the draft Plan. The end of the process will ultimately be adoption of an agreed Local Plan by the Council.  We will update you with more information in later newsletters.
We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the phenomenal efforts of our Strategic Planning Team in writing and getting the Plan to this stage.  In her Lead role, Margaret has worked closely with them and knows how much work they have done.
Proposals for 20mph Limits across BCP
You may not be aware, but the Deputy Leader of the Council has put forward a proposal for 20mph limits across a swathe of BCP neighbourhoods, being most of the urban areas.  A map showing the indicative 20mph speed limits implementation plan is attached. HERE. This was agreed by Cabinet in March to go forward to ask Full Council in April for agreement as follows: 
“That a dedicated budget is included in the Local Transport Plan (LTP)Capital programme for 2024/25 financial year to recommence delivery of 20mph speed limits on a neighbourhood basis with a focus on residential roads and this is continued into future years subject to the availability of capital funding”
We have no problem with 20mph limits outside schools or in proven accident hot spot areas, or if residents of a certain area say they want it.  But at the moment this is being pushed through and agreed for future years, without anyone actually asking residents first in any area, if it is what they want, or providing any data or evidence for any of the proposals to support a speed reduction.  There has been no public engagement whatsoever.
We have queried this and been told that consultation will be done later.  This is back to front.  Surely residents should be asked first, before this is voted through as policy?  Margaret attended the Cabinet meeting in March and made this point, and asked for deferral for public consultation, but the proposal was voted through unanimously by those present, to be taken forward for Council agreement.
We realise this is a controversial topic, but feel strongly that before this is made Council policy, there should be clear and meaningful public consultation and engagement, with supporting evidence provided, for each of the proposed 20mph limit areas.

Cllr. Margaret Phipps –
 - Tel: 01202 478266
Cllr. Vanessa Ricketts –
– Tel: 07760 391467
As always, feel free to contact us on any issue
Click map to view printable version

The following information was provided to us by Cllr Margaret Phipps and it is also available on our website by following the link - Environment / Roads and Transport
Overview of One Network and TTROs:
  • Website –
  • To get the best out of the system you will need to register and be logged in to enable searches and more.
  • The system is where all roadworks, temporary signals, road closures, events (that require TTRO’s, such as per the recent Kings Coronation street parties) are logged across BCP.
  • Dorset, Hampshire and National Highways for Trunk Roads also use the same system so you can see other local and cross border roadworks
  • One Network is very versatile. You can set timescales, wards and more in the drop down menus, so you are able at any given time keep an eye on what is coming up in your ward. Example above is a snip showing ward boundaries and roadworks.
  • Each icon has a clickable link taking you to further information about the roadworks, type of traffic management, dates, times, description, TTRO notices (if required), responsible utility company or BCP etc. Example snip as below


 Grand Re-Opening celebration on March 16th

Subscribe to the CTC newsletter
Upcoming council meetings

Christchurch and District Band on Facebook

Thank you to "The Friends of Druitt Gardens" volunteers
who spend many hours digging, weeding and planting.

Read more about the work of the FoDG volunteers here


Next event - 
Sun 14th April Spiders and bugs of the Heath 1PM- 3PM

Join naturalist and insect expert Phil Budd looking for spiders and other insects typical of a heathland habitat. Meet at the entrance at junction of Orford Drive and Hillside Drive. SZ1388395821

Events are subject to change and weather conditions on the day, please e-mail Robin Harley: for further information. Most guided walks and talks are charged at £2 per member and £4 per non-member (accompanied children free). All proceeds will go towards the running of the group and funding items on site. Most events open to non-members.

Programme for 2024

Bournemouth Airport goes from strength to strength and expects to handle more than one million passengers in 2024. There will be flights to 37 destinations and 17 countries in 24/25. TUI and Ryanair now both have two Bournemouth based aircraft and Easyjet now operate seven days a week. TUI fly to 14 destinations from Bournemouth and Ryanair have added two new destinations, Agadir in Morocco and Nantes in France.
Large investments have been made including several million pounds on new radar equipment, a new domestic arrivals area and major security changes. 
The government confirmed in December 2022 that airports will have until June 2024 to upgrade their screening equipment and processes, meaning the 100ml liquid rule would be changed to two litres. In addition, the requirement to remove laptops from hand luggage would also be scrapped.
Three 3D scanners made by Smiths Detection are being installed in June and due to their size and weight structural changes need to be made to the security areas. These machines will speed up the time taken to pass through security. 
Coming home to Bournemouth will also be speedier as there are six planned border force desks.

Meetings are held four monthly and the minutes can be found on our website

We’ve got a really busy and interesting time coming up in April starting with our holiday to Scotland.
HOLIDAY GROUP 4th - 8th April Trip to Scotland with lochs and glens. 

Monthly Meeting  - MY JAPANESE JOURNEY Rosemary Legrand - 8 Apr 2024 14.00
Christchurch Baptist Church, Beaconsfield Road, Bargates, Christchurch, BH23 1QT
The incomparable UNESCO island of Yakushima, Hiroshima and the outstanding gardens of Kyoto are featured in this talk.

OUT OF HOURS Group goes from strength to strength and this month features the  RNLI Tour and lunch - 25 Apr 2024 12:30  Poole Quay.  Lunch in private room then tour. Price TBA

Our THEATRE Group visits around six  theatres each year for matinee performances with local coach pick up points. Next Thursday 28th March we are travelling to the Theatre Royal in Bath to see the original cast of Drop the Dead Donkey back together on stage after 30 years. We have had a few cancellations for this so if you are interested and you are a member of Christchurch u3a or thinking of joining email . Details are here.

April 15th is when we start holding a stall at Christchurch Monday Market and will continue weekly till we launch the New Programme in June.  Of course, running that depends on Volunteers so if you can spare a morning or just a few hours, please pop into the Epicentre where Elaine holds the Volunteer list and offer your help, it will be gratefully received.

This is the month when we’re encouraging as many new people to start new groups – the more leaders we have the more interesting and varied opportunities we can offer.  Please don’t be shy or nervous about coming forward with your ideas as you’d get a lot of help in setting up and running a new group. We know that there are many members with many skills and knowledge from their working lives and we’d love you to share, all u3a’s are as good as their volunteers so  do your bit, we need you. 

LATEST NEWS – The Annual Membership fee is GOING DOWN to only £45 for the full year! 

Christchurch u3a The Epicentre, 27a High Street, Christchurch

Christchurch u3a website

Our Finances
The donations to date following the vote at the association's SGM on the 3rd August 2023 are
  1. 06/12/2023            Highcliffe Dementia Support Group     £1000
  2. 14/12/2023            3rd Brownies Christchurch Pack           £1500
  3. 14/12/2023            Macmillan Caring Locally                      £2776.89 
The  donation to Age Concern is pending the confirmation of funds benefitting Jumpers and St Catherine's Hill residents.
Current balance £3035.02 which includes running down costs, website and newsletter continuation. of £1500.

Christchurch Connect

A JSCHRA member has proposed a local worthy cause, Christchurch Connect, for a donation from the RA funds.
Although the proposed recipient is not on the original mandate as voted for at the SGM held on the 3rd August 2023, the winding down committee consider it to be acceptable to receive a donation.
Christchurch Connect is in Loring Road, off Jumpers Road, Christchurch and is a learning facility for adults with additional needs.
The facility is run by Tricuro, which is owned and funded by BCP Council
BCP fund the Tricuro budget which pays for the day-to-day running of the facility, buildings, staff, utilities etc. They do not contribute to the extra curricular activities of the clients which is why we are raising this item for your consideration.
The clients, who are local residents, are self-funded and must pay for meals, refreshments and drinks, unless they are in supported living.
They also pay for the consumables they need for their chosen activities such as paints, or seeds and plants for those who participate in the garden project at the rear of the Fire Station on Fairmile Road.
The donation we are suggesting will be made to the Christchurch Connect Amenity Fund, which we have been assured by the management of Christchurch Connect is fully accountable and is “ring fenced” for use for the clients and which BCP Council has no access to.
The Christchurch Connect Amenity Fund is a separate fund to provide extras activities for the Christchurch Connect clients which range from day out excursions with lunch, no cost swimming session at the Littledown Centre, trips to the New Forest, Day sailing experiences and Evening discos.
The monies for the Amenity fund are raised by holding events such as a Christmas Fair, Summer Fair, selling refurbishing used furniture in their workshops, making and selling greeting cards, and additionally donations from clients and families.
If you have a local event or story you would like to be included in the Monthly Newsletter please email it to

Links and Contact Details


Councillors | Christchurch Town Council (

BCP Council Commons ward -

FSCH - Friends of St. Catherine's Hill
Website and Programme of Events

FoDG - Friends of Druitt Gardens

HOTH - Hall on the Hill
Website and Upcoming Events

University Hospitals Dorset

FCRA - Friars Cliff Residents Association

HRA - Highcliffe Residents Association

West Christchurch Neighbourhood Policing Team

Team for Christchurch West 

St Catherine's Hill WI
Contact Gill on 01202 418724


one network


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