Community Matters is produced and edited by a team of local residents who try to present you with the facts that will both keep you informed and enable you to make up your own mind on local issues
If you can't see our logo above and at the end of the newsletter, make sure you have clicked the link to download pictures
About Jumpers and St Catherine's Hill Newsletters
Minutes of the SGM 3rd August 2023
BCP Council Update
University Hospitals Elections
Bournemouth Airport Consultation
Free Beryl cycle rides
£2 Bus Fares extended
Art group vacancies
Links and Contact Details
If you want to read the newsletter as a Word document, click here
Dear Residents
With Autumn having approached, the outgoing resident’s association committee wish to inform you that this signals the beginning of a new Community Newsletter from 1st October 2023. A special General Meeting of Jumpers and St Catherine’s Hill Residents Association members was held on August 3rd, 2023. The minutes of the meeting are included in this newsletter but essentially, in the absence of a quorate committee being elected for the future of the association, it was voted to dissolve the association. I am happy to report that Eileen Lancaster and I (with the support of persons who wish to contribute info pertinent to Christchurch), will continue to provide a monthly “Community newsletter” for as long as funds and resources allow. Should any of our newsletter subscribers have any items or information they wish to be considered for inclusion, please contact Eileen or myself via the website email address. We’re grateful to our ward councillors Margaret Phipps and Vanessa Ricketts, who have agreed to continue their support to keeping us informed. The resident’s association website will continue to be “live” and updated as a signposting resource only.
To date, the past and current outgoing committees have worked on behalf of the members to the best of their ability and knowledge. The work of the association and its members will be recognised through the provision of a bench on St Catherine’s Hill Nature reserve.
However sad and disappointing it may feel that the members have reached the decision to dissolve the resident’s association, the committee are grateful for the past financial support of its members, that will enable us to continue to provide the community newsletter. In view of the need to continue the newsletter and respect data protection, we will be asking all our email subscribers to reply to the next newsletter they receive, to confirm their permission to remain on our data base. Your details will not be shared with anyone else and will continue to be for the sole use of receiving the “Community Newsletter” from us. Could I also ask that if you are aware of any neighbour or friends within Jumpers and St Catherine’s Hill Ward that have an email address, it may be that they aren’t subscribed to our email newsletter. They will no longer get a paper newsletter so it may be helpful for them to subscribe.
Best Wishes
Sue Fotheringham
Date 3rd August 2023
Venue “Hall on the Hill”
Marlow Drive
BH23 2RR
Time 19.00hrs
Sue Fotheringham. SF, (Chairperson/Treasurer, Membership Secretary),
Eileen Lancaster. EL, (Webmaster and Newsletter editor),
Mike Lancaster. ML, (Committee Member), Malcolm Green. MG, (Committee Member /minutes)
Attendees, Five subscribed members, Three residents, (2 late arrivals).
Margaret Phipps - Ward Councillor, Christchurch in BCP.
Vanessa Ricketts – Ward Councillor for Christchurch in BCP
Robert Luscombe – CTC
Mark Davies CTC
Viv Charrett – CTC /Mayor
Sue Spittle – CTC
Meeting commenced 19.04 hrs.
SF opened the meeting introducing herself and the committee requesting the audience allow her the courtesy of explain the agenda and save any questions they might have in any other business at the end.
Due to the committee not being quorate for the AGM in March 2023, the
Annual Accounts 2022/2023 ( Paper Copy of Accounts) were distributed to the attendees and committee.
SF, requested for the end of year accounts to be proposed and seconded and voted on as correct.
Proposed EL Seconded MG a unanimous vote was accepted.
SF informed the members present the current committee will be standing down. The members were asked if there are any proposals for members to fill the vacant positions on the committee.
Five positions are required to be filled for the committee to be quorate,
Chairperson, Treasurer, Membership Secretary , Committee members two (2).
No proposals from the floor.
SF Explained, despite an active campaign over the previous 18 months a quorate committee has not be forthcoming.
Therefore, it has become untenable to continue JSCHRA.
The following proposals were read out to the attendees by SF.
- Dissolution of the association
- Continue monthly email newsletters and hold a password protected email database for this purpose only.
- Close and transfer JSCHRA HSBC collections account balance to JSCHRA Nat West current account
- Close and transfer JSCHRA HSBC current account and transfer the balance to JSCHRA Nat West current account.
- Close and transfer JSCHRA Teachers account to JSCHRA Nat West current account
- Retain £1500 in JSCHRA Nat West account as a retention and spending fund for running down costs.
- Discretionary amount for the committee to allocate to local charities and good causes. The clarification of expenditure will be itemized on the monthly accounts.
Charites and good causes
- Memorial bench on St Catherine’s Hill in recognition of all JSCHRA committees and members, in particular reference to Jim Biggin’s work on behalf of the association prior to his passing.
- 3rd Christchurch Brownies
- The McMillan Unit, Fairmile Rd, Christchurch
- Alzheimer’s Society Memory Café, Purewell, Christchurch
- Other causes if identified by members.
No other Charities or Good causes were proposed by the subscribed members.
SF explained item F was calculated cover costs producing and maintaining the newsletter and website for the next 5 years.
SF members were asked if they to vote each item individually or as a block vote for the proposals A to G proposed by member Mr D Brand seconded by Mr R Miller vote unanimous.
Charities and good causes I to IV block vote, proposed by member Mrs J Johnson seconded by member Mrs P Miller vote unanimous.
AOB: No other business.
Closing of the meeting:
SF Thanked the audience for attending and participating. The committee agreed they were grateful for past members and previous committee’s for supporting the association.
Member Mrs P Miller thank the committee for their hard work whilst serving on the committee.
Ward Councillor Margaret Phipps thanked the committee for continuing to produce a monthly Newsletter in order to provide information to residents of JSCH. Margaret also identified the difficulties of running an association with a small committee and verbalized gratitude to the committee for their commitment in the previous years.
Member Mr D Brand enquired whether the JSCHRA would merge with the Christchurch Residents Association. SF explained the position of it not being appropriate to share data or take discussions forward without permission of all members. SF also explained this would be for a new committee to take forward should one have been elected this evening. SF further explained that there has been an offer for CRA to have an article in the next JSCHRA newsletter.
Meeting closed at 19.33hrs.
We would like to start by saying a big “Thank You” to all the JSCHRA Committee Members who have given their time freely to run the Residents Association over the years. Although the Association has now been dissolved, we are pleased with the decision to continue with the monthly email newsletter to keep you informed, and we are very pleased to contribute to it.
The following is an update of a few Commons Area and BCP Council issues. We have included Links, and Reports about the Council, and whilst we realise that sometimes these can be heavy reading, if you are interested, please take the time to look at their summaries. Feel free to e mail us with any queries.
These Reports all relate to prior to May 2023 when the Three Towns Alliance (TTA) took over as the new administration of the Council. We are assured by the new Leader and Chief Executive that they are already working at pace on actioning the suggestions from the various reports to improve the overall administration of BCP.
The Reports
At the beginning of August 2023, the Government Dept. for Levelling Up Housing and Communities (DLUHC) published their External Assurance Review of BCP Council, covering financial stability and Governance, leadership, service delivery and more. The full report can be found at this link.
A Best Value Notice from DLUHC, was sent to BCP on 3rd August 2023 – Read it here
These are a few of their recommendations:
*Review their Transformation Programme as a matter of urgency and
commission an external financial resilience review to report by September 2023 and
inform the setting of a new Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) and budget.
*Establish a sound budget setting process and begin preparations for the
2024/25 budget as soon as possible, and draft a sustainable MTFP and three-year
budget by the end of September 2023.
*Agree a business plan for BCP Future Places with a portfolio of priority projects
and clear timescales for delivery.
*Agree a corporate strategy and clear priorities by July 2023. The Authority
should also put in place a regular annual cycle for the business plans, mid-year
reviews and year end reviews of all its companies to be reported to the appropriate
scrutiny and decision-making bodies.
In brief, this Government Review concludes that there is a lot which needs to change and requires improvement in the running of the Council. Many of us had already identified issues with Future Places, the Transformation Programme and the Budget and realised that everything was not right. This Review goes hand in hand with the External Auditor’s Annual Report which comes to the BCP Audit and Governance Committee on 7th September – Notice of Audit and Governance Committee
The Auditor’s Report covers 2 years 2021/22 and 2022/23 and identifies 5 significant weaknesses in the Council relating to financial sustainability, governance and efficiency and effectiveness. This is in line with Government findings.
None of this is good news for BCP and we will keep you updated as to progress with improvements.
BCP Consultation
Very relevant at the moment is a consultation about the future of BCP - Have Your Say
BCP Council staff will be holding a series of public roadshows in the coming weeks, the Christchurch ones are as follows:
Tuesday 29th August – Sainsburys, Christchurch 3pm to 7pm
Tuesday 5th September – Saxon Square, Christchurch 10am to 3pm
Two Planning Committees
The new Administration is heading towards having two BCP Planning Committees instead of one, by May 2024. They are likely to be East and West. We have been aware that one single Committee for the whole of BCP was just not working for Christchurch. Changing the system requires a change to the Constitution and this is being taken forward through the Audit and Governance Committee.
We have been receiving e mails asking what is happening with Queensmead on the corner of Bronte Avenue. We instigated the withdrawal of the planning application for a homeless hostel at the site, with a promise from BCP that any future use would be consulted on with residents. This summer there has been some anti-social behaviour at the site so we asked BCP to update us. They say:
“Discussions are now taking place around the long term future of the site. Whilst that is determined internal cameras and external sensors (often used on road works and build sites these days which get triggered by movement) have been installed this week. The scaffolding remains in place pending ongoing works and the final decision on the site’s future”.
Finally, we are aware from the Chairman of Christchurch Residents Association that if anyone wants to join them as JSCHRA has dissolved, they are welcome, and no subscription will be charged until February 2024. Their contact is christchurchcitizensassociation@outlook.com Their meetings are usually held in Druitt Hall, but they would be happy to hold quarterly meetings at the Hall on the Hill if there was demand.
We hope our updates are useful and we are both here to assist you, and will continue working hard for the Commons area, both in the ward and at the council.
Cllr. Margaret Phipps – margaret.phipps@bcpcouncil.gov.uk - Tel: 01202 478266
Cllr. Vanessa Ricketts – vanessa.ricketts@bcpcouncil.gov.uk – Tel: 07760 391467
2023 Council of Governors Elections
University Hospitals Dorset (UHD) is comprised of three hospitals; the Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Poole Hospital and Christchurch Hospital, two hospices and various support sites. It serves a population of more than 800,000 people and employs more than 9,000 members of staff.
Within UHD we pride ourselves on the delivery of safe and high-quality care and we have a number of exciting developments taking place over the next few years. The Royal Bournemouth Hospital will become the major emergency hospital and Poole Hospital will become the major planned hospital for east Dorset. Christchurch Hospital incorporates the Day Hospital which provides an all age rehabilitation service, as well as rheumatology, dermatology, gastroenterology, breast, oncology and medicine services. The Macmillan Unit, also based at Christchurch, provides specialist palliative care.
We are searching for governors to continue to strengthen the link between our community and our hospitals. We are holding elections for a number of vacancies and encourage you to put your name forward. By applying to be a Governor, you and your fellow Governors can make a real difference.
We currently have the following Governor vacancies available:
- Bournemouth (4 vacancies)
- Christchurch, East Dorset and Rest of England (2 vacancies)
- Poole and Rest of Dorset (2 vacancies)
- Allied Health Care Professionals, Scientific and Technical (1 vacancy)
- Estates and Ancillary Services (1 vacancy)
- Medical and Dental (1 vacancy)
- Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare Assistants (1 vacancy)
If you'd like to find out more then why not join one of the information sessions to learn more about the role? Drop in sessions are available at the following locations from 9am-5pm on the dates specified. All sessions are free to attend with refreshments available at the face to face sessions.
The virtual sessions will be held on Microsoft Teams at 6pm-7pm. To book onto a virtual session, please email ftmembers@uhd.nhs.uk
Poole Hospital, The Dome |
Bournemouth Hospital, The Atrium |
Christchurch Hospital, Outpatients |
Virtual Sessions |
Thursday 5 October 2023 |
Wednesday 20 September 2023 |
Tuesday 26 September 2023 |
Friday 22 September 2023 |
Monday 2 October 2023 |
Wednesday 11 October 2023 |
Friday 29 September 2023 |
Monday 9 October 2023 |
How to Apply
If you are interested in standing, more information and a nomination form can be obtained online at www.cesvotes.com/uhd2023
If you require a hard copy form it can be obtained as follows:
Telephone: 020 8889 9203
Email: ftnominationenquiries@cesvotes.com
Closing date: 13 October 2023
Read the Consultation Document
Free Beryl cycle rides until end of September
Don't forget you can still enjoy a daily free bicycle ride, 7 days a week, in southeast Dorset for a few more weeks.
Until 30 September, Beryl pedal cycles can be hired in Colehill, West Moors, West Parley, Ferndown or Wimborne between 5am and 10am to use free of charge for 30 minutes. During the offer, the usual £1 unlock fee is waived.
Should you wish to ride for longer than the 30 minutes, a charge of 5p per minute will be applied for the remainder of your ride.
Find out more and how to hire
it's better by bus, especially when it's only £2
If you haven't been on a bus in a while, now's the time to try it as fares are very low at just £2 per trip!
Whether you choose the bus for work, to get to education, have adventures, or just to meet up with the people you care about, we’re here for 'U' every step of the way.
At more bus, your journeys are more than just A to B; they make 'U' part of our local community. And by choosing to ride you’re supporting local businesses, saving yourself money, and looking after Dorset's future. Good one!
It’s now even easier to choose the bus with the more bus app, find out more or download on iOS or Android to plan your journeys, buy tickets and track your bus live.
The £2 fare has been extended until 31 October meaning that all single fares will be capped at £2, you can even go on a local day out sightseeing on our fabulous Breezer bus routes.
Also, if you are of state pension age you are entitled to free travel after 9.30am Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday - find out how to apply for your free pass here.
Did you know that under 7's travel for free with fare paying adults or concessionary passes.
Links and Contact Details
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The personal information we hold for you is your e-mail address plus your name and address which is held on a Mailchimp data base. The data base is password protected and is maintained by our Webmaster.
You can opt out of the e-newsletter system at any time by using the link provided at the foot of every newsletter.
We hold your information purely for keeping you in touch with local events and news and not for marketing or any other purpose whatsoever.
We will not pass your information on to any other person or organization.
We will retain your personal information until you either request us in writing to remove it or you use the opt-out link previously mentioned