West Christchurch Residents Association


St Catherine's Hill and Town Common

Analysis of Responses to Public Consultation


Zone 1 - properties on St Catherines Hill (everything between Hurn Road and Hillside including Sandy Lane)

There are 95 entries from this zone (48% of the overall response)

Applying the usual weighting technique their scores for concerns are as follows (score of 1 means everybody rated it top priority; score of 6 means nobody mentioned it)

  1. Hydrology 2.98
  2. Property 3.67
  3. Wildlife 4.00
  4. Access 4.11
  5. Views 4.24
Nothing else scores significantly

Zone 2 - properties just outside the potential flood area and Zone 3 - the rest of West Christchurch

There are 49 entries from this zone (25% of the overall response)

Applying the usual weighting technique their scores for concerns are as follows (score of 1 means everybody rated it top priority; score of 6 means nobody mentioned it)

  1. Access 3.45
  2. Wildlife 3.73
  3. Views 4.00
  4. Hydrology 4.04
  5. Recreation 4.65
Nothing else scores significantly

Zone 4 - the remaining submissions

There are 53 entries from this zone (27% of the overall response)

Applying the usual weighting technique their scores for concerns are as follows (score of 1 means everybody rated it top priority; score of 6 means nobody mentioned it)

  1. Wildlife 2.06
  2. Access 3.96
Nothing else scores significantly


These results demonstrate with a force how different one's perception is as between living on the hill, living close to the hill but seeing it mainly as an area of recreation and wildlife sanctuary, or not living near and seeing only the wildlife aspects.

In drawing up its future plans the Management Committee will need to be acutely mindfull of these very sharp differences