More about the hospital and much more

June 2012

Christchurch Hospital

Last month we told you how obtuse the hospital authorities had been when handling our request to put details of planned changes up on the website. During May, just as the period for public consultation came to an end,  there was a sudden change of heart and the electronic form of the document arrived; click on and then on Christchurch Hospital and then Hospital News February-April 2012 to read it for yourself.

A central plank in the Government’s health reform agenda is the commissioning of services – which means putting them out to tender.  We believe that Dorset NHS Trust wishes to implement changes to the Endoscopy and Dermatology services for Bournemouth and Poole. Any such changes might have an impact on services provided at Christchurch Hospital but at this stage we don’t know what it will mean for residents.

We spoke to CBC who tell us they are doing all they can to ensure positive change to the delivery of health services in Christchurch. In their view the best way to do this is to involve all of Dorset - a strategy that is supported by the hospital.  They have therefore referred the matter to the Joint Dorset Health Scrutiny Committee. Who knows what will happen next?

The New Collection of Garden Waste Procedures
If you want CBC to collect your garden waste as part of your normal waste collection then you have to apply for the service before 1st August 2012. This does apply to areas that have been participating in the pilot scheme. Either telephone 01305-221-040 or go to  

The service costs £35 per year for a 240 litre wheelie bin or £25 per year for a 90-litre bag

CBC and Grass Cutting

As part of the drive to cut costs the public grass cutting service is to be reduced; for full details go to then look in the list of Latest Updates and at 20/05/2012 click on Grass Cutting. We can envisage local communities being asked to take over much of this function on a voluntary basis

Feedback-St Catherine’s Hill Management Plan

We have conducted our own in-depth analysis of the public responses to the draft plan. To see the outcome go to and click on analysis of responses on the left hand side

Meeting with CBC Executive

On behalf of all the local Residents Associations (known as ACRA) we met with the CBC Executive. Amongst other topics we discussed the problems of managing local trees on pavements as well as in resident’s gardens. The notes of what we discussed will be posted on the website early next week. ( and then click on ACRA and then ACRA Meeting of 30th May 2012)

Resurfacing Hillside/Marlow Drive

We hear from Councillor Sue Spittle that Dorset County Council has postponed this work until autumn 2012

Welcome to New Readers

At this time of the year and through the summer we will be picking up new readers as our collectors go around renewing membership. The website at contains a lot of useful information. The minutes of WCRA Management Meetings and also those of ACRA Meetings (all deliberately written in very straightforward language) will give you an idea of what is happening locally.

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