What Would You Like To Know?

Later on this month John Pendrill and I will be meeting David McIntosh, Chief Executive of CBC, and his two strategic directors. If you have a question you would like answered, let us know. If you have a suggestion as to how CBC could deliver its services in a more efficient, cost effective manner, likewise tell us about it.

Dorset Police Reply

Last month we told you we had written to Dorset Police about the gridlock that they caused on our roads following a traffic accident on the A338. We received a very detailed response that we have summarised and which you will find on the website www.wcresidents.co.uk

It is clear that our local force is acting in accordance with national guidelines so this is not something we are going to be able to change just for Christchurch. We therefore intend to see if there is support amongst other Residents Associations for involving Chris Chope MP

Well Done and Thanks to the Fire Brigade

A fire near the junction of Fairmile Road and St Catherine’s Hill Lane that was caused by the wind toppling a tree that brought down power lines was expertly dealt with by the fire brigade. But for their prompt attendance and skill a nasty situation could have got out of hand and become a very serious incident.

That £2.50 Airport Charge

We received a number of e-mails from you complaining about the new £2.50 charge that the airport is levying on every car and pedestrian that visits the new terminal.
We took soundings from local councillors and other Resident Associations.   There is a unanimous view that the principle rather than the amount is what people object to. However, there is also a strong view that there is nothing anybody can do about it. It’s a commercial decision taken by a management in a matter that is entirely within their jurisdiction.

We and others (such as Tobias Ellwood MP) will raise the matter at the next airport liaison meeting and the reaction in the market place may bring pressure to bear. In the meantime perhaps letters of complaint to Ryanair and Thomson Travel might have some effect.

Major Road Works

Dorset Council is soon to start major repairs to the B3073 Hurn Road-Fairmile-Bargates through route. Work will take place from early evening (6.30pm) through to early morning (6.00am) starting Monday 6th June and lasting until Friday 15th July.

The Grove will be closed at its junction with Hurn Road-Fairmile on Tuesday and Wednesday 14th and 15th June
Bargates will be closed at its junction with Fountain Roundabout on Tuesday and Wednesday 5th and 6th of July
The railway bridge will be closed from Clarendon Road to Stour Road on dates in July yet to be announced. Advance information notices will be placed on the approaches to the bridge

Any problems or complaints phone Dorset Direct on 01305-221-000

St Catherine’s Hill Management Plan - Help Needed

This long running saga concerns the trees on St Catherine’s Hill. If you’re new to the area on our website you will find a history going back to 2004 when we involved the BBC and raised a petition to save the trees.

At the May meeting we and Hurn Parish Council suggested in our well known quiet, polite fashion that the first draft plan left something to be desired and that a redraft was needed. That will now happen and the second draft will no doubt be with us sometime before the autumn.

We also requested a written progress report that we will both put on our website and distribute in printed form to local residents. That should be available towards the end of June. If you could devote just a few moments to delivering the newsletter to your neighbours (we will have something like 2,300 to cope with) please get in touch with us – all help much appreciated.

Public Consultation – Independent Panel on Forestry

On our website www.wcresidents.co.uk you will find details of this public consultation and how to make your views heard. This is a Government led initiative to discover why people value woodland. Please take the time and trouble to respond.

Summer Holidays Care for Youngsters

A resident has contacted us to tell us how difficult it is to arrange appropriate care for young 10 to 14 year olds. He lost his wife a while back and needs to find a local school, church or similar authorised organisation that will look after his children during normal working hours in the summer holidays. If you know of any organisation that offers this service please let us know and we will pass the details on to our resident.

Our New Mayor

Local councillor Sue Spittle has been appointed Mayor of Christchurch for the year 2011-12: our congratulations to her and her husband John, who has decided not to adopt the title mayoress.
New on the Website


Synopsis of letter from Dorset Police

Link to public consultation on Forests

Minutes of our June meeting

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West Christchurch Residents Association
7 Hurn Road
Christchurch, England BH23 2RJ

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