Local Gridlock
During April our roads were once again thrown into chaos by an accident
on the Spur Road. Whilst we understand that the police have to collect
evidence we do wonder quite how they manage to spend such a long time
doing it and why they don’t appear to have adequate contingency plans
in place to cope with the ensuing melee.
In our experience other countries handle these matters rather better
than us. German police in particular seem able to digitally record and
measure a scene and have traffic moving again in under an hour compared
with some seven hours here in April.
We contacted other local residents associations and jointly wrote to
the Dorset Police Authority. To date we’ve had an acknowledgement but
no reply. It seems the boys in blue are no faster at answering letters
than they are at dealing with traffic accidents.
Farewell and Thanks to David
Three of our local Councillors were returned in the local election
(Colin Bungey, Fred Neale and Sue Spittle) and we look forward to
continuing to work with them. However David Fox retired after many
years of service.
David was always a good man to have on your side and no more so than
when your correspondent had to appear before the Forestry Commission
Tribunal. He came with me and argued very articulately to support our
cause. We wish him well and look forward to now working with his son
Tavis who was elected in his place.
St Catherine’s Hill Management Plan
The facilitator published the first draft of the plan that is supposed
to go out for public consultation this coming autumn. We were involved
in a lot of work reading a very voluminous document and then
coordinating our thoughts and creating our response. This
will be submitted to the Steering Committee on 10th
New On the
We have obtained a schematic showing the new managerial structure of
Christchurch-East Dorset combined administration. It shows the names of
senior people, their responsibilities and how to contact them
We submitted a final paper to the Christchurch Hospital public
Minutes of our May Management Meeting
You’ll find it all on the website www.wcresidents.co.uk
Christchurch Residents Association
7 Hurn Road
England BH23 2RJ